Tuesday 31 March 2015

Portrayals of Estella

Jane Wyatt 1934
Walker, S. (1934) Great Expectations.
This 1934 film directed by Stuart Walker had Jane Wyatt depict the character of Estella. I don't find this film to be historically accurate according to the visual styling of the character. Jack P Pierce was the makeup artist on this film. As can be seen in the picture above Estella's makeup reflects the late 20's early 30's rather than the minimal cosmetics used in the 1800's. 

Valerie Hobson 1946
Great Expectations (1946) (no date) Available at: http://www.doctormacro.com/Movie%20Summaries/G/Great%20Expectations%20(1946).htm 

Directed by David Lean this 1946 interpretation of Estella was portrayed by Valerie Hobson.Although this being one of her more famous roles Hobson later called the experience of working with Lean on the film "the unhappiest' and called him "a cold director- he gave me nothing at all as an actress" 

Sarah Miles 1974
KaB Music – Nadějné vyhlídky (no date)
Directed by Joseph Hardy 1974 TV film shows Sarah Miles portray Estella. Although I think this is quite a realistic portrayal of Estella as she has mid to late Victorian hair style, this productions criticism was mainly negative. 

Gwyneth Paltrow 1998
cinematic corner.: Great Expectations (1998) (no date) Available at: http://cinematiccorner.blogspot.co.uk/2011/11/great-expectations-1998.html

In 1998 Alfonso Cuaron created a modernised interpretation of dickens novel set in New York. Gwyneth Paltrow played Estella. Roger Ebert, a movie critic gave it 3 out of five stars and said that "...Especially in the early Florida scenes, it seems timeless. Hawke and Paltrow project that uneasy alertness of two people who know they like each other and suspect they'll regret it. "

Justine Waddell 1999
Pix For > Great Expectations 1999 (no date) Available at: http://pixgood.com/great-expectations-1999.html
In 1999 Justine Waddell played Estella. Fran Needham was the makeup designer. Although I didnt feel the makeup department went in the right direction when developing Miss Havishams makeup, I think they did really well with keeping Estella fresh faced and young. 

Vanessa Kirby 2011
Correspondent, L. C., Education (2010) Return to real lessons: Dickens and key dates in history to be taught to raise standards. Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1291188/Modern-students-poor-grasp-history-depressing-says-Schools-minister.html 

Although not the latest adaptation this is probably one of the most famous portrayals of Estella.  One of my favourite aspects of the makeup designed by Kristin Chalmers is the skin. it is flawless almost like a porcelain doll to signify how beautiful Estella is.

Holliday Grainger 2012
Nail and Rockett Blog. (no date) Available at: http://www.nailandrockett.com/Nail-and-rockett-blog.html 

This is the  latest and my favourite portrayal of Estella. The hair and makeup in this film is reflective of the era in which it is set. Estella looks young and natural but still her beauty is evident. I have used this image of Estella as inspiration towards my design.

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