Tuesday 24 March 2015

Miss Havisham First Final Assessment

This was my final look. I think it turned out how I wanted it too and so im pleased. Although I think it will be hard to recreate but because I've practiced it a lot that should help.

I think the lips will be the hardest thing to recreate in the continuity assessment as the placement of the Duo Glue and the way in which it rubs off may be different next time. While this glue was drying I distressed it with my finger to give it a dry, peeling skin look.

I took a lot of pictures of the parting of the hair to make sure it was easy for me to recreate on the next assessment. Its clear here that the hair parts just behind the ear and the curls go forward from there. 

The positioning of this veil will be an important thing to make sure I get correct in the continuity assessment.
Making sure I get the same amount of white on the brow is something I need to focus on, otherwise they could end up looking too theatrical and jokey. As my model has naturally very dark hair it is easy for these grey brows to look as though they are just painted on and that isnt something I want.



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