Tuesday 31 March 2015

Estella Quotes

When we first meet Estella its clear she is cold and emotionless. In the first scene we meet her she slaps Pip.

"Am I pretty?"
"Yes; I think you are very pretty."
"Am I insulting?"
"Not so much so as you were the last time."
"Not so much so?"
She fired when she asked the last question, and slapped my face with such force as she had, when I answer it.
"Now," said she. "You little course monster, what do you think of me now?"

In another quote she openly talks of her lack of sensitivity.
"I have not bestowed my tenderness anywhere. I have never had any such thing." 

Correspondent, L. C., Education (2010) Return to real lessons: Dickens and key dates in history to be taught to raise standards. Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1291188/Modern-students-poor-grasp-history-depressing-says-Schools-minister.html 

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