Saturday 25 April 2015

Research into Freakshows of the Victorian Era

During the Victorian Era, freak shows were very popular. Live human curiosities had been exhibited in travelling fairs, circuses and taverns in England since the 1600s. These included giants, dwarves, fat people, the very thin, conjoined twins and even people from exotic climates.  
The acts relied on shock and therefore the performers were not revealed in the flesh until the audience had paid and were sat down. This meant that publicity was curial and there for extravagant posters were used to lure the audience in. These posters often bared little or no resemblance to the performer themselves. Exaggerated and stylised illustrations aroused the curiosity of the audience by over playing the "freaks" they would see. 

British Library. (no date) Freakshow posters. Available at: 

I started to look at the sort of acts that would be present in freak shows and came across ones such as;
  • The bearded lady
  • Midgets
  • The Human Pincushion
  • The Elastic man
  • The lobster boy

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