Tuesday 17 February 2015

HD TV- the effects on makeup and hair artists

HD TV is something that has become a part of almost everybodys lives. Most people have access to a HD form of entertainment and technology such as cameras are even able to capture images at their truest forms. High Definition is a resolution that is substantially higher than standard TV or film. 
although this is great quality and makes the viewing experience a lot more exciting, it does effect makeup and hair artists greatly as small imperfections in the makeup will show drastically on screen. It is such an impact that some cinematographers use techniques such as filteration, softening of the lights and finally degrading the image so its not as highly defined.
Makeup artistry has developed to format this new media using techniques such as airbrushing, as this eradicates brush strokes from the face. Although it isn't necessary it is successful. Men require more makeup as beard shadow and shine on balding areas is more visible on HD cameras.
Even prosthetics have to be of a higher quality. 
Hair artists can have trouble with the visibility of wig lace and the glue used to attach facial hair. 

Moderno Airbrush Make Up Application! — Moderno Salon & Spa (no date) Available at: http://modernosalon.com/moderno-airbrush-make-up-application/

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