Wednesday 28 January 2015

Theatrical Aging of The Skin

Its important to understand how to apply makeup using ageing techniques. Ageing makeup can add just a few years to the face or, when using more dramatic techniques, many years.

Small pointy brush
Supra Colour Palette
Foundation Brush
Foundation Palette
Disposable Mascara Wand
Black Stipple Sponge
Tooth Enamel


  • Apply Moisturiser to the skin.
  • A base colour of foundation can be applied first and will help the colours blend because it is grease working on grease however this is not necessary.
  • put a pea sized amount of moisturiser onto your palette
  • Mix together red, green and yellow from the supra colour palette to create a brown, add some black if the colour is too light.
  • Add the moisturiser to this mixture to thin the consistency. 
  • Asking your model to work with you make them smile and screw their face up so the natural lines in their face are visible. Follow these lines.
  • Shade the nasolabial crease, the jowls and create eye bags. 
  • screw up the eyes and raise the eyebrows to get the forehead lines
  • Shade under the cheekbone to make the face appear hollow and gaunt.
  • Smudge these lines with your finger but not too much. Smudging too much will just make the face look dirty.
  • Highlight the areas you want to appear prominent eg. in the eye bags, the cheeks, the chin.
  • This is a theatrical look and so not every line has to be perfect. it is to be seen from a distance. 
  • Using the black stipple sponge in a red and blue mix of supra colour stipple this onto the cheeks, nose and chin to create the appearance of broken veins.
  • Coating a mascara wand in a TV white colour brush through the brows and lashes.

  • get your client to hold their lip away from their teeth
  • dry the teeth with a baby bud
  • paint the tooth enamel onto the teeth with another baby bud
  • this will give the appearance of rotting or missing teeth.

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