Tuesday 5 May 2015

Unit Evaluation

I enjoyed the freedom we got with this brief. As I enjoyed the horror genre it was great fun to watch some of my most loved programmes as research. Since I have watched all of the American Horror Stories it was great already having an understand of the storyline and how I could fit a character in, also how those characters would play off and fit with the existing characters on the show.
I found a lot of research about Victorian freak shows so this helped alot when developing my character. Looking into the different "freaks" of the time and choosing where I could go with my character. I felt I had a lot of creative freedom when making these choices which I liked.
I enjoy open briefs like this where you can pretty much go anywhere with your ideas. I feel a lot more creative like that.
I was really happy withe the way my Claudia turned out. I wanted her condition to be exaggerated and I think I portrayed that well through my makeup application. I also experimented with the hair doing something I hadn't done before and I think it payed off well for my character.
Although I was happy with my character development for Quentin I don't think I pulled the application off as well as I could of. At first I thought him mirroring Claudia's character by having the same model would be an interesting idea. However I don't think he looks masculine enough and instead ended up looking like a women dressed as a man, and not very well. which is not what I wanted to achieve.
I also don't think the natural lighting in my final images for Quentin worked. It didn't show off the makeup the way I wanted to. Ive learned not to work in a studio alone in case things like the flash breaking do happen, as I was unable to fix this alone which led to the use of natural light.
Overall I did enjoy this unit and I was pleased with the Claudia I produced however, I was disappointed with my Quentin as I don't feel my ideas payed off well in execution.

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